Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

First time sitting up captured while videoconferencing
June 25, 2009

This morning while Tuscan and I were video conferencing through our house because I’m in isolation with Swine Flu he sat himself up. Thankfully I was playing around with the record feature in iChat at the same time. Check him out!

Echidna Spotting!
June 8, 2009

While we were at my parents house in Balliang, Victoria this past weekend my brother spotted what I think was a Short-beaked Echidna walking across their garden. We dashed out to have a look and scared the poor fella. Eventually he pulled his head out of the dirt and had a look around. This is the footage I managed to grab on my Flip Ultra HD before my parent’s Border Collies came running up wanting to play ball.

Tuscan Commando Crawling
June 2, 2009